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2015 Changes for Solar Approval

Posted by Joel Kriger | Feb 02, 2015

Civil Code sections 714 and 714.1 address the extent that an Association can impose reasonable restrictions on the installation of solar energy systems used for heating water or producing electricity. Owners must apply for approval to install a solar energy system and receive approval from the Association. These laws regulate the extent of the Association's ability to control these installations. Previously the Association had the right to require modifications to the proposed installation so long as those changes did not reduce efficiency by more than 20% or increase costs by more than $2000. These guidelines have been restricted and the ability of the Association to require modifications to applications for installation of solar energy systems is reduced. The new 2015 guidelines restrict changes that may be required by the Association to those that do not reduce efficiency by more than 10% or increase costs by more than $1000.

About the Author

Joel Kriger

Founder / Of Counsel Practice Areas: Community Association Counsel Joel M. Kriger is the founder of Kriger Law Firm. A native of Pennsylvania, Joel graduated from Temple University in 1970 and moved to San Diego to attend the University of San Diego School of Law, from which he graduated in 1973. Joel maintai...


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